Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Like a virgin..."

So as I'm trying to figure out all of this blogging business I have the words of one of Madonna's famous songs "Like a virgin" running through my head, because --- yes, I am a virgin today. A blogger virgin, that is. This is my very first time and I am so frustrated (& a bit disappointed too) because it's definitely not like what I had hoped it would be. All of the talk about how great it is once you finally start doing it, and how much fun it is, and blah, blah, blah..... I'm thinking it's all a little over rated personally. I guess it takes a while to finally get the hang of it in order to actually enjoy it. Blogging, that is. I'm talking about blogging, in case I lost you back there at "virgin". So until I figure out how to add pictures, and freaking format stuff, and add a birthday ticker for my weiner dog like a proud mommy does-- I will remain skeptically "like a virgin." ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world. It IS great and a wonderful way to keep in touch and stay up to date on friends - and cousins :) Miss you and love you lots!
