Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunrise at the beach

This morning Paul, Stretch, & I headed out for a sunrise romp on the beach. Stretch LOVES to run on the beach. It's so much fun to watch him gleefully zip all over the sand. Talk about a happy wiener! Here are some pics...

My personal favorite action shot-- ears flying & all.

Happy dog.

Posing by the water

Me & my boy

Hood weekend

Some pics of the boys on our recent July visit to Kristen & Randy's new house....

Ben: "What are you doing Aunt Kawa?"

...a little Logan love.

"Take my picture, Aunt Kawa. Bang-bang!"

Orange marks the spot

Recently, the city works department of Galveston marked all of the dead trees from the storm that line the streets. These orange-marked trees are to be cut down & removed by the city. Much of the Historical District is lined with (what used to be) big, beautiful oak trees. Many of them date back to The Great Storm of 1900! What once was a shady canopy of trees lining the streets, has now become skeleton-like branches. As the city systematically removes the dead trees we've been reminded just how entirely empty a tree-less space looks. (It was definitely a visual adjustment for us last year when we lost all of the trees in our backyard.) Thankfully, our "marked" tree is not one we will entirely miss-- we're looking forward to replanting a Bottle brush tree in it's place. The trees in our yard that fared the best (as well as all over the island) are the Palms & Norfolk pine. We are especially thankful for our beautiful Norfolk pine that survived.... swimmingly ;)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sweet FC

The perfect weekend (as experienced last week): Brewfest + Wedding [all in the setting of Fort Collins, CO]. How much better can it get? It doesn't.

Paul & I traveled to Sweet FC for yet another beautiful cousin's wedding. Lovely. Fun. Enchanting. Intoxicating. Four words to sum up the weekend activities. We had a great time. And again, cannot wait for the opportunity to go back. Here are some pics...

A reason to celebrate: the lovely couple, Heather & Stephanos.

Pre-Brewfest: enjoying the brews at New Belgium Brewery, Saturday morning.

Mom & Dad

Ross & Kelley graciously opened their home & transformed their backyard into an enchanting setting for the wedding celebration. Thanks you two!

A few brew-ed men: Paul, Dad, & Michael.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back to the basics: Part Two

Soon after the cancellation of cable (& therefore TV in general), we started experiencing oddities with our hot water. It just wasn't working right. Then, abruptly stopped working altogether. Coincidentally, we started smelling strong, nauseating gas from the garage [comments could be made about Paul at this point, but I'll refrain]. Our newly replaced tank-less water heater (since Ike) had apparently died from some unknown cause. The autopsy report from the chain-smoking plumber revealed an inherently flawed system, along with several gas leaks in the garage pipe lines. Great. 'So, what exactly is wrong with our water heater?' we asked. Apparently, our lovely system was operating something like a fiery jet engine under our house. Unbeknowst to us, each time we turned on the hot water the pilot light on the water heater was causing flames to spew out everywhere, much like a small inferno. Or, a jet engine. Spewing flames + nearby gas leaks = NOT GOOD. I'm not sure how this unfortunate situation came about, but Paul & I will forever be grateful that we (or the chain-smoking plumber) didn't blow up our precious little house.

So-- for 3 weeks in June, while we waited for the newer, better system to be available & installed, I (we) took nothing but COLD showers. Let me emphasize the word COLD. Because when you don't have a working water heater you are instantly forced into an uncomfortable situation. It took me about a week & 1/2 to adjust to the polar temperatures before I could take a shower without yelling certain expletives. I was quite proud of myself once I was able to quietly shower. And now, three weeks later, we are completely happy with our much superior, outdoor tank-less water heater. And my showers are all the more satisfying too :)

Back to the basics: Part One

At the beginning of June, after being pissed off one too many times by our not-so-beloved cable company-- Comcast; Paul & I decided to re-think the whole cable thing. Do we really watch enough TV to justify what we pay monthly for a "service" that only provides poor service (if any at all)? The answer, my friends, was NO. After a quick discussion we both agreed that our relationship with Comcast was officially over. We canceled our cable (in person) & were quite satisfied with ourselves as we drove home from the Comcast store, revelling in the simplicity of our lives without cable. We were going back to the basics. .....However, there seemed to be one small glich we had overlooked. No big deal, really. We now needed a digital converter for our TV to even have the basic local channels (a detail we had forgotten)-- & of course, we didn't have one-- so, we have really gone back to the basics. That being --NO TV at all.

One month later, still without a digital converter, I am happy to report we are doing just fine as a TV-less watching couple. There are far better things to spend your time doing. We've happily discovered that as long as we have the internet & NPR radio-- we've got all the news, weather, & entertainment that we need to stay up to date. Who needs those stinkin' rabbit ears, anyways!