Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sweet FC

The perfect weekend (as experienced last week): Brewfest + Wedding [all in the setting of Fort Collins, CO]. How much better can it get? It doesn't.

Paul & I traveled to Sweet FC for yet another beautiful cousin's wedding. Lovely. Fun. Enchanting. Intoxicating. Four words to sum up the weekend activities. We had a great time. And again, cannot wait for the opportunity to go back. Here are some pics...

A reason to celebrate: the lovely couple, Heather & Stephanos.

Pre-Brewfest: enjoying the brews at New Belgium Brewery, Saturday morning.

Mom & Dad

Ross & Kelley graciously opened their home & transformed their backyard into an enchanting setting for the wedding celebration. Thanks you two!

A few brew-ed men: Paul, Dad, & Michael.


  1. YAY! I love the post :) We can't wait to have you guys back up here. Please visit anytime! And the winters really aren't that bad. You guys will love it.

  2. Thanks Kelley! We'll have to discuss a potential winter visit.... :) Sounds good to me!
