I just found out yesterday that Patrick Swayze died on Monday. How could I have missed that news?? (probably because I don't watch TV). I was a HUGE fan of him when I was younger. My cousin Angela and I had Dirty Dancing memorized-- word for word. We would watch that movie two & three times a day during our Burleson summer visits! You couldn't peel us away from the TV during any dancing scenes of that movie. I'm certain Patrick Swayze is the reason why any young girl in the late 80's wanted to be a dancer. hmm.... and I bet she's already gotten to dance with him...... I think I'm a little jealous ;)

I remember us all trying to imitate the dancing in Aunt Barbara's living room---and you and Angela trying to repeat the dance scene where they are kneeling/crawling on the dance floor: Patrick Swayze, aka Angela, playing the air guitar as Jennifer Grey, aka Kara, crawling toward her for the much anticipated embrace. Awww...what sweet memories. I also remember you and Angela arguing who was going to marry Patrick Swayze! LOL. I bet she has had her dance with him by now. (sniffle)