Every month, a group of my L&D friends get together to play bunko. Now, this is a game that I used to think
older ladies played (partly because I remember my mom playing it with all of the neighborhood ladies when I was a kid). Much to my surprise, bunko is actually quite fun, especially when there's plenty of good food & beverages to enjoy. And of course, when a group of L&D nurses get together to drink & have a good time, there is always a good story being told by someone-- usually involving the latest crack whore that's come in to have her baby, who's in denial about being in labor....or pregnant, for that matter. Or the one about the doctor whose pants (& everything else) fell off in the middle of a delivery [Real story: it happened to me. Uhh, what's a nurse to do? I didn't know what the proper protocol was. Grab the baby, or grab his pants? I chose the baby. Apparently, as I was told later, you're suppose to go for the pants. Whatev. That baby wasn't the only one in their "birthday suit" that day.]
Anyways, here's some pics of our Halloween bunko. However, we never actually got around to playing bunko this time.....
I went as the OctoMom, whose "baby daddy" was Michael Jackson. Hence, the 4 black babies & 4 white babies.

By far, the best costumes went to these two:
the "Dick in a Box" duo.

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
sexy octomom